How to care for your yoni before and after a wax.


* Allow 3 to 4 weeks of hair growth before your first appointment. If there isn’t enough hair the service can not be administered & will be rescheduled.

* Waxes are not administered during a heavy cycle. Light spotting is acceptable, in case of light spotting please wear a tampon. 

* Waxes are not administered if an active infection or breakout is present. You’ll be asked to reschedule your appointment.  

* Exfoliate 24-48 hours before your appointment. OUR ALL NATURAL YONI SCRUB CAN BE PURCHASED IN STORE PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. (Exfoliating prior to your appointment is extremely important) 

* Wear breathable loose fitting clothing to your appointment such as joggers, skirts, dresses etc. 

* If you’re using topical meds or products on the desired wax area that contains: AHA, BHA’s or any resurfacing agents, please discontinue use for 5 to 7 sevens + prior to your wax appointment. Please consult with your doctor before waxing. 

* Waxing is not an option for those taking oral acne medication 

* Please consult with your doctor about wax treatments if going through treatment for hormones or acne 

* Please no topical lotions, creams, or oils with the exception of talc free powder. 


* Cleanse the area with YONI FX YONI BAR or any other sensitive skin soap/wash. (Use your hands only)

* Sleep with 100% cotton underwear or without underwear at all.

* After wax wait 24-hours to have intercourse and avoid steam, sun, tight fitting clothing. This includes: tanning beds, sunbathing, pools, steam rooms, saunas, jacuzzis, hot baths to avoid cross contamination, infection, and or irritation.

* Please no shaving or depilatory treatments in between appointments. This will reverse the training process & interrupt the hair growth cycle. This will cause hair to grow back unruly & resistant.

* Exfoliate the area up to three times a week to maintain smooth skin & to prevent ingrown skin. 

* Do not work out or go into direct sun for an extended period of time, wait 24 hours. This is mainly for sensitive skin types but is encouraged for everyone. Take the extra precaution to avoid breakouts.